About me

Since I was a child I had a great passion for music and actively participated in theonly musical activities that were available in the environment where I grew up: the choir of my parish and the school choir.

In my middle school, during the only hour of music scheduled in the curriculum, I had the great fortune to meet an exceptional teacher, Gianluigi Trovesi, who later became an internationally renowned clarinetist and jazz musician. Thanks to him and his encouragement, I started studying piano with PierluigiForcella, with whom I prepared the midterm exam at the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan.

After continuing my piano studies with the pianist Laura Paoli and studying harmony with Sergio Gianzini, I moved to Munich where I continued my piano studies under the guidance of Katharina Gerbitz and Margit Urban, graduating in 2001 under the guidance of Margit Urban by the Istituto Musicale “Gaetano Donizetti” in Bergamo, my hometown.

Always fond of sacred and organ music, I attended a two-year course for organists and choir directors organized by the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising following courses in choral singing and choir conducting with Wolfgang Kiechle, Gregorian chant and psalmody with Prof. Stephan Zippe, harmony and music theory with Thomas Renner, and organ with Irmgard Feurer.

Since 2009 I have been organist of the Italian Catholic Community of Munich and since 2016 I have deepened my knowledge of harmony, counterpoint, orchestration and composition under the guidance of Prof. Laurence Traiger.