(2017) [02:45]
(2017) [02:45]
Melody by Pierangelo Sequeri.
Text by Pierangelo Sequeri.
Elaboration for flute, violin, mixed 2 voices choir and organ by Lucio Mosè Benaglia and Paolo Testa.
First performance | Interpreters: 2009 – Gottesdienst der Nationen – Frauenkirche of Munich – Choir of the Italian Catholic Community of Munich – Hans Leitner, Organ – conductor Lucio Mosè Benaglia.
Description: elaboration by Lucio Benaglia and Paolo Testa of the well-known melody of Mons. Pierangelo Sequeri. The authorization to carry out this elaboration has been kindly granted by Mons. Pierangelo Sequeri and by the publishing house Rusty Records – Rugginenti – exclusive holders of all copyright of this piece.